Category: Hanga | Create

Book Cover

In Reading we in my class we have been doing weekly reading challenges and this weeks challenge is make a new book cover of a book that we have read before Here is my book cover!

Persuasive writing

We have been learning to do persuasive writing. We had to write about what we  want to happen in Christchurch. Persuasive writing is when you are trying to convince someone to do something or something you want to happen. Here is my writing


BANG BANG ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHH I believe that Christchurch should have an airsoft place for kids. Kids can’t wait to be 18 years old and are allowed to play airsoft. Kids won’t get hurt because the owner of the place will make it safe for the kids. Also kids like me watch videos and the people in the video look like they are enjoying themselves. 

Reason 1

I Strongly would like Christchurch to have airsoft places for kids because kids don’t want to wait to be 18 or 16 years old to be allowed to play airsoft. But the reason why they are not allowed is because people know that they will get hurt. But 18 year olds when they get shot they just suck it up and carry on.

Reason 2

Do you think that Otautahi ( Christchurch ) should have an airsoft place for kids? because when they get shot it won’t hurt. Because they will have a plate of protection under the suit that they wear. If they didn’t have those plates of protection under the suit that they wear. 

Reason 3

I Strongly think that Otautahi should have an airsoft place for kids. Because kids like me watch airsoft videos on Youtube. Also the people on the videos really look like they are enjoying themselves. That’s my 3 reasons why Christchurch should have an airsoft place for kids!

I think I did pretty good on my writing and I put hard work into my writing.


My QR Code

We learnt to make QR and learnt facts about them and customize them here are some thing I learnt them.

QR stands for quick response

QR codes we fist made in japan in 1994

In the pandemic restaurants and shops used lots of QR codes