Category: Hanga | Create

Start Of Term 2!

Kia Ora,

Term 2 has just started so I’m going to give a recap of what has happend so far in Term 2. So this term is the start of the 3v3 Basketball season which makes me very excited because I’m playing plus I love Basketball and our first game is on Friday at South Hornby. Also our Teacher Aid, Sam who left last year is back! He has told us some very exciting story’s. He told us where he had gone for the past months. First he traveled to the U.S and the place in the USA he went was San Franciso, Portland and Miami. Then he went on a cruise for 4 months to Hong Kong and he only returned last week! Well that about it thanks for reading.

Nga Mihi,


Quick Draw

Kia Ora, Yesterday in class we learned about this app called Quick Draw. Quick Draw is an app when it tells you to draw 6 things and you have to draw each one of them in 20 seconds, and AI has to guess it what you are drawing. In Quick Draw it is really fun because sometimes it is funny cause the AI guesses something completely different. But Quick draw can actually help your learning skills, like how good your art on a Chromebook. If you want to play Quick Draw here is the link below.

Quick Draw!

Nga Mihi


Rugby League Tournament

Kia Ora, On Tuesday I got play in a Rugby League Tournament for my school. the people in our were Me, Daniel, Priest, Saia, Jadoka, Kaleol, Mateo, Titan, Emma and Te Ariki. We won 3 game and lost 1. The teams we won against were Avonhead, Opwara and Rewood and we lost against Linwood.



Kia Ora, Yesterday a Navy Helicopter came to our school. The helicopter’s name is Navy SH-2G Maritime with Load Master Michael. It landed at school on the field at 9:30 am. When the helicopter landed everyone was screaming like wild animals. After we learned the helicopter crews name’s we got toured around the helicopter. My favorite part was when we got to watch the helicopter land and take off.

Here are some pictures!

Nga Mihi


House Color Day

Kia Ora, Today, is House Color Day at Hornby Primary which is when you dress up in the color of your house. My House is Tinokore and the color of Tinokore is Orange so I came to school in an Orange Champion shirt and my Pajama pants because they have a little bit of Orange plus Orange socks. But if you didn’t have anything to wear you just had to come in your uniform. The Houses are Manurere, Tinokore, Heihei and Taurima.

Nga Mihi



Capture The Flag

Yesterday our class played Capture The Flag (But with a ball). The objective of the game was to get the opponent teams ball to your half because the enemy team can’t tag you in your own half. But you have to get into the box to get the ball and if your in the enemy teams box they can’t tag you but if you aren’t in the enemy teams box and you are in their half  they can tag but now to my story about it. It was last round wins and its the end of the day, me and Daniel rushed the opponents box and we successfully made it. Me and Daniel start running back  Daniel passes it to me I pass it back and then Daniel did a long pass to me and I… CAUGHT IT and our team won. Thank you  for reading

Canterbury Rams and Pizza

Hello today we got some exiting news. We have been told that we can get tickets to the next Rams game and the Canterbury Rams will come to our classroom with Sals pizza. But all we have to do sign a form on a link ( The link is at the bottom) But when the form says classroom name type Te Mahuri. Please vote for us

Here’s the link

Canterbury Rams and Pizza




Leadership Role

Hallo! This week I  have finally been given a leadership role. The leadership role I have been given was a House leader. A House Leader comes to every Whanau House event and has to be supportive to every one in the house your in everyone.  So I am very happy and excited to be a house leader.

Sillhouette Art

This week started doing Digitech for the first time this year. For this week we did Silhouette Art on a google slide.

First we opened our Cyber smart folder and then we made a new Google slide and named it Your Name Silhouette Art. Next we tap the Shapes and select rectangle. We had to make the rectangle long and big. Then we press the fill button and select gradient colors. Press add and balance the color that you chose. Now take a picture of yourself and go to remove bg so it removes the background of your picture. Then select Format options and and select recolor. Make the color of your photo the darkest one there is. Now that you have done that go to insert images and select search the web  and type in palm tree dot png. Lastly put your picture in front of the palm trees and your done.

Here is mine!!