Movie Cover

Kia Ora,

This week for writing I had to write a narrative and then make a movie cover about it. My Title is The Apocalypse. I have 3 characters in my movie and their names are Ricky, Bob and Zac. Ricky is played by Ryan Gosling, Bob is played by Johnny Galecki and Zac is played by Seth Rogen.  Here it is!

 It all started on one sunny afternoon in San Francisco, California at 13:34 pm on July, 7 1998. 3 friends Ricky, Bob and Zac were all hanging out at Ricky’s expensive apartment, when the bombs dropped… and it of course started an Apocalypse.


 After the big kaboom Ricky, Bob and Zac realized that they needed weapons, shelter and food. So they decided to go to the military base to find some weapons. So all 3 of them went wandering off to the military base. After 3 hours of walking to the military base they finally got there. Then they realized that no one was there? Not even any soldiers. But they didn’t care and went to find some guns, ammo, explosives, melee weapons and armor. But when they were leaving… A huge horde of zombie soldiers were right in front of them! Now they have a big problem. A HORDE OF ZOMBIES ARE RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. Then Bob thinks of an idea, he thought that he could throw a grenade at the horde, so all of the zombies would explode. BOOM! Goes the zombies. Bob’s idea worked! All the zombies went kaboom. After that they were all thinking about shelter. 


But then, Ricky remembered that he had made an underground basement outside of his apartment in case this happened. But it only has a tiny bit of food, so they need to go to the butchers or grocery stores. So they made their way off to those places. After 2 hours of looting butchers and grocery stores they got back and made their way to the bunker. I forgot to tell you what was inside the bunker. There is a fridge, an oven, a tv , unlimited wifi and heaps more! So they made their way into their bunker and tried to live during the zombie apocalypse. THE END.

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