Month: May 2024

Cross Country Zones

Kia Ora,

Yesterday, I went to Cross Country Zones. Cross Country Zones is where about 50 kids from the year groups, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 run for either 2 or 3 kilometers to see if they to go Cross Country Centrals. Only the kids who come 6th or under go to Centrals but if  some of those kids 6th or under can’t go the kids 10th or under get offered to go. When I was Year 4 I came 16th. When I was Year 5 I came 9th but didn’t go to Centrals. This Year ( I’m Year 6) I came 12th. Here is a photo!

Nga Mihi,



Fire Safety

Kia Ora,

Today for Kaupapa I made a Fire Safety poster on Canva. I had to choose 3 things from a Fire Safety video I had to watch. My things that I chose were Never Play With Matches, Stop, Drop and Roll and Get Out and Stay Out!  Here it is!

Nga Mihi,


Buddy Class Term 2

Kia Ora,

I’m Ryder and this is my buddy Caleb. We are buddies for Term 2. Caleb’s favourite things to to are play on the Playground and eat Ice cream. Ryder’s favourite things to do is play on my Playsation 5 and play Basketball.  I’m gonna tell you what we’ve been doing together. we have gone on a Savanger Hunt together, we have  played a buddy tag game together, and much other stuff. Here is a photo of us.

Nga Mihi

Ryder & Caleb

Message Makeover

Kia Ora,

Today for Cybersmart we were doing this Message Makeover activity. In this activity we have 6 things that are rude messages and make them right. Next we have to choose our favourite one out of all of them and take a screenshot and post it on our blog ( Which is what I’m doing right now.) Here It is!

Rams Game

Kia Ora,

Yesterday, Me an the Basketball team went to the Canterbury Rams game. I went my Mum and the people who were there are Zach, Kaleol, Mateo, Arthur, Windsor, Ayesha, Elies, Quinn, Liam and Whaea Megan .The Rams were versing the Taranaki Airs. The game started off pretty good for the Rams we were already up 6-0. But then the Airs Center got mad at one of our players and pushed him to the ground. I got to the game at 7:25 and left at 22:00 so I was there for 2 hours and 25 minutes. By the last 3 minutes we were down 77-82, but then we got the most awesome comeback. First we get fouled and get 2 shot at the free throw line and we make both of them. Now it’s 79- 82 then Max Darling makes a layup now it’s 81- 82. Then Lachlan Olbrich hit an amazing alley oop to get the lead. The score is 83-82 and we all cheered. Next we get 2 shooting fouls and and 3 of the 4 shots the score now is 86-82. Next we foul the Taranaki Airs Center and he goes to the line for 2 shots and he makes one of them now the final score 86-83. What a game. Here is some photos.


Start Of Term 2!

Kia Ora,

Term 2 has just started so I’m going to give a recap of what has happend so far in Term 2. So this term is the start of the 3v3 Basketball season which makes me very excited because I’m playing plus I love Basketball and our first game is on Friday at South Hornby. Also our Teacher Aid, Sam who left last year is back! He has told us some very exciting story’s. He told us where he had gone for the past months. First he traveled to the U.S and the place in the USA he went was San Franciso, Portland and Miami. Then he went on a cruise for 4 months to Hong Kong and he only returned last week! Well that about it thanks for reading.

Nga Mihi,
