Capture The Flag

Yesterday our class played Capture The Flag (But with a ball). The objective of the game was to get the opponent teams ball to your half because the enemy team can’t tag you in your own half. But you have to get into the box to get the ball and if your in the enemy teams box they can’t tag you but if you aren’t in the enemy teams box and you are in their half  they can tag but now to my story about it. It was last round wins and its the end of the day, me and Daniel rushed the opponents box and we successfully made it. Me and Daniel start running back  Daniel passes it to me I pass it back and then Daniel did a long pass to me and I… CAUGHT IT and our team won. Thank you  for reading

One thought on “Capture The Flag

  1. This was a very informative post.If someone hasn’t played the game before I am sure your instructions will help them.Well done.

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